Nox Melo / Slater Phudles

Hi! Welcome to my Carrd. I'm a skunk on the internet who does a lot of different stuff. Feel free to check it out!

Supporting my creative stuffs is definitely appreciated, however, I tend to be fairly inconsistent in what I'm doing, if anything, and when. However, in the near future, I should be able to work on my creative endeavors more often.
Studio Mephitidae is my "good" music project, where I'll be posting any music I produce that I find actually enjoyable. Brain Bathtub, on the other hand, is part of a collaborative project I have going with some IRL friends, it's "Shitcore" (Shitpostcore) music and serves as a way for me to experiment with my DAW without caring much about the quality of what I produce. Definitely listen, but do so with the understanding that it is intentionally bad.